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- Maamajanduse ökonoomika õppetool
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- Mullateaduse õppetool
- Taimekasvatuse ja taimebioloogia õppetool
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- Võrtsjärve Õppekeskuse Järvemuuseum
Karise, R., Kuusik, A., Mänd, M., Metspalu, L., Williams, I.H., Hiiesaar, K., Luik, A., Muljar, R., Liiv, K. 2010. Gas exchange patterns of bumble bee foragers before and after exposing to lowered temperature. - Journal of Insect Physiology, 56(5), 529–535.
Karise, R., Kuusik, A., Mänd, M., Williams, I., Koskor, E., Luik, A., Metspalu, L., Hiiesaar, K., Muljar, R. 2010. The effect of Fastac 100 EC (a.i. alpha-cypermethrin) on the respiration patterns of bumblebee Bombus terrestris foragers. - Apidologie (in review).
Merivee, E., Must, A., Luik, A., Williams, I. 2010. Electrophysiological identification of hygroreceptor neurons from the antennal dome-shaped sensilla in the ground beetle Pterostichus oblongopunctatus. - Journal of Insect Physiology, 56, 1671–1678.
Must, A., Merivee, E., Luik, A., Williams, I., Ploomi, A., Heidemaa, M. 2010. Spike bursts generated by the thermosensitive (cold) neuron from the antennal campaniform sensilla of the ground beetle Platynus assimilis. - Journal of Insect Physiology, 56(4), 412–421.
Runno-Paurson, E., Fry, W.E., Remmel, T., Mänd, M., Myers, K.L. 2010. Phenotypic and genotypic characterisation of Estonian isolates of Phytophthora infestans in 2004-2007. - Journal of Plant Pathology, 92 (2), 375–384.
Runno-Paurson, E., Remmel, T., Ojarand, A., Aav, A., Mänd, M. 2010. The structure of the Phytophthora infestans population in organic and conventional crops in Estonia. - European Journal of Plant Pathology, 128 (3), 373–383.
Toome, M., Heinsoo, K., Holm, B., Luik, A. 2010. The influence of canopy density on willow leaf rust (Melampsora epitea) severity in willow short rotation coppice. - Biomass and Bioenergy, 34,1201–1206.
Toome, M., Heinsoo, K., Luik, A. 2010. Relation between leaf rust (Melampsora epitea) severity and the specific leaf area in short rotation coppice willows. - European Journal of Plant Pathology, 126, 583–588.
Toome, M., Randjärv, P., Copolovici, L., Niinemets, Ü., Heinsoo, K., Luik, A., Noe, S. M. 2010. Leaf rust induced volatile organic compound signalling in willow during the infection. - Planta 232, 235–243.
Toomemaa, K., Martin, A.-J., Williams, I. H. 2010. The effect of different concentrations of oxalic acid in aqueous and sucrose solution on Varroa mites and honey bees, - Apidologie 41(6), 643–653.
Veromann. E., Williams , I.H., Kaasik, R., Luik, A. 2010. Potential of parasitoids to control populations of the weevil Ceuthorhynchus obstrictus (Marsham) on winter oilseed rape. - International Journal of Pest Management 57(1), 85–92.
Williams, I.H., Ferguson, A. W., Kruus, M., Veroman, E., Warner, D. J. 2010. Ground Beetles as Predators of Oilseed Rape PESTS: Incidence, Spatio-Temporal Distributions and Feeding / in I. H. Williams - Biocontrol-Based Integrated Management of Oilseed Rape Pests.
Metspalu, L., Jõgar, K., Ploomi, A., Hiiesaar, K.; Kivimägi, I., Luik, A. 2010. Effects of biopesticide Neem EC on the Mamestra brassicae L. (Lepidoptera, Noctuidae). - Agronomy Research, 8(2), 465–470.
Muljar, R.,Viik, E., Marja, R., Svilponis, E., Jõgar, K., Karise, R., Mänd, M. 2010. The effect of field size on the number of bumble bees. - Agronomy Research 8 (Special issue 2), 357–360.
Runno-Paurson, E., Remmel, T., Koppel, M., Tähtjärv, T. 2010. Occurrence and distribution mating types A1 and A2 of Phytophthora infestans in eastern Estonia. - Agronomy Research, 8 (2), 471–474.
Švilponis, E., Rautapää, J., Koidumaa, R. 2010. Comparative ad hoc analysis of phytosanitary efficiency in EU. - Agronomy Research, 373-378.
Toomemaa, K., Martin, A.-J., Mänd, M., Williams, I.H. 2010. Using oxalic acid in water solution in control of Varroa mites and its influence on honey bees. - Agronomy Research, 8, 345–350.
Kaasik, R. 2010. Mädarõika maakibu Phyllotreta Parmoracia Koch (Crysomelida, Phyllotreta) allajahtumisvõimet ja külmataluvust mõjutavad faktorid. 2009. Magistritöö, Eesti Maaülikool).
Runno-Paurson, E. 2010. The phenotypic characteristics of Estonian populations of Phytophthora infestans from organic and conventional potato crops. - PPO-Special Report no 14, 51–58.
Kaasik, R., Kevväi, R., Luik, A., Veromann, E. 2010. Oviposition preferences and larval parasitisation rate of Meligethes aeneus Fab. And Ceutorhynchus obstictus Marsh. In different cruciferous plants. - IXth European Congress of Entomology, Budapest, 174–174.
Švilponis, E., Hiiesaar, K., Mänd, M. 2010. Low temperature survival of Ditylenchus destructor Thorne (Tylenchida: Anguinidae). - Proceedings of the 30th International Symposium of the European Society of Nematologists,Vienna, Sep 2010, 129.
Toome, M., Noe, S.M. 2010. The effect of leaf rust infection on volatile compound emission and gas exchange of willow leaves. 9th International Mycological Congress “The Biology of Fungi” August 1-6, Edinburgh, UK (poster).
Veromann, E., Tarang, T., Toome, M., Luik, A. 2010. Diverse margins on oilseed rape field – a key to functional biodiversity. In: Proceedings of International conference on organic agriculture in scope of environmental problems: International conference on organic agriculture in scope of environmental problems, 3-7 February, 2010, Famagusta, Cyprus Island, 2010, 126–126.
Veromann, E., Toome, M., Kahu, K. 2010. The biocontrol agent of MADEX® decreases codling moth damages in organic apple orchards. In: Proceedings of International conference on organic agriculture in scope of environmental problems: International conference on organic agriculture in scope of environmental problems, 3-7 February, 2010, Famagusta, Cyprus Island, 2010, 125–125.
Kaasik, R., Kovács, G., Luik, A., Veromann, E. 2010. Seltsilistaimede mõju entomofauna mitmekesisusele valgel peakapsal. - Agronoomia 2010/2011: 165–172.
Jõgar, K., Metspalu, L., Hiiesaar, K., Ploomi, A., Kivimägi, I., Luik, A., Tasa, T. 2010. Relationship between feeding on different plants and hibernation physiology in Mamestra brassicae. Programme and Book of Abstracts. IXth European Congress of Entomology, 22-27. August 2010, Budapest, Hungary. (183). National Organizing Committee of ECE 2010.
Kivimägi, I., Ploomi, A., Metspalu, L., Svilponis, E., Jõgar, K., Hiiesaar, K., Kuusik, A. 2010. Impact of alpha-cypermethrin on body mass of the carabid beetle Platynus assimilis. - Programme and Book of Abstracts. IXth European Congress of Entomology, 22-27. August 2010, Budapest, Hungary. (222). National Organizing Committee of ECE 2010.
Ploomi, A., Kivimägi, I., Metspalu, L., Jõgar, K., Sibul, I., Hiiesaar, K., Kuusik, A. 2010. The seasonal cold-hardening of the carabid beetle Platynus assimilis Payk. - Abstract book: XXVIII Nordic-Baltic Congress of Entomology, Birštonas, Lithuania, 2.-7. August 2010, 66.
Ploomi, A., Kivimägi, I., Metspalu, L., Svilponis, E., Jõgar, K., Hiiesaar, K., Sibul, I., Kuusik, A. 2010. Cold-hardiness of the carabid beetle affected by alpha-cypermethrin. Programme and Book of -- Abstracts. IXth European Congress of Entomology, 22-27. August 2010, Budapest, Hungary. (186). National Organizing Committee of ECE.
Sell, I., Kotiranta, H. 2010. The ecology of Peniophora junipericola (Basidiomycota, Russulales), 9th International Mycological Congress IMC 9: The Biology of Fungi, Scotland, Edinburgh, August 1-6.
Sibul, I., Kuusik, A., Ploomi, A. 2010. Influence of hydration state on gas exchange patterns of the pine weevil, Hylobius abietis (L.) (Coleoptera: Curculionidae). - Abstract book: XXVIII Nordic-Baltic Congress of Entomology, Birštonas, Lithuania, 2.-7. August 2010, 69.
Švilponis, E., Hiiesaar, K., Metspalu, L., Ploomi, A., Jõgar, K., Mänd, M. 2010. Pest Risk Assesment of Liriomyza species in Estonia. - Programme and Book of Abstracts. IXth European Congress of Entomology, 22-27. Budapest, 218). National Organizing Committee of ECE 2010.
Tasa, T., Starast, M., Jõgar, K. 2010. Influence of lowbush blueberry plantation age on natural biodiversity on abandoned peat production area. - Abstract book: 7th European Conference on Ecological Restoration, Avignon, 2010, 98.
Buczacki, S., Harris, K. 2010. Taimekahjurite ja -haiguste käsiraamat. 2010. Tõlkinud: Eha Švilponis, Kadri Just, Riin Muljar, Anne-Liis Sõmermaa, Tiiu Tarang, Merje Toome, Elo Tuubel, Eve Veromann, Heino Õunap.
Veromann, E., Mänd, M. 2010. Mitmekesise taimestikuga põlluservad. Toetus põllumehele, kasu kõigile. - Loodusfoto, 2010.
Hiiesaar, K.2010. Katmikala kahjurid ja nende tõrje. - Maamajandus.
Martin, A., Martin, A.-J. 2010. Inimene ja sipelgas. - Eesti Loodus,6/7, 304–306.
Martin, A., Martin, A.-J. 2010. Sipelgad mesilas. - Maakodu (mai 2010), 5.
Martin, A.-J., Martin, A. 2010. Kui sipelgad on vales kohas. - Maakodu (märts2010), 54–55.
Martin, A.-J., Martin, T. 2010. Sipelgate tõrje mesilas. - Mesinik, 6 (62), detsember, 6–7.
Merivee, E., Must, A. 2010. Nähtamatud abilised aias ja põllul. - Maakodu 7, 64–65.
Metspalu, L. 2010. Roundup ja tema ohtlikud lähisugulased. - Maakodu, 7, 61–63.
Metspalu, L. 2010. Pisike, aga tülikas vaaraosipelgas. - Maakodu, 2, 66–67.
Muljar, R. 2010. Mesilastega hahkhallituse vastu. - Maakodu (detsember 2010), 60-61.
Must, A., Merivee, E. 2010. Feromoonidega putukate vastu. - Maakodu 5, 68–69.
Ploomi, A. 2010. Kapsas putukate toiduks. - Maakodu, 8, 62–65.
Runno-Paurson, E. 2010. Lehemädanik ründab järeljätmatult! - Maakodu, 112–14.
Sell, I. 2010. Taelikud Eesti metsades. - Eesti Mets, 3, 24–29.
Sell, I. 2010. Seened, Ida-Virumaa kaitstavad liigid.
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Sell, I. 2010. Liibuva roostetoriku esmasleid Eestist. - Eesti Loodus, 10, 40.
Švilponis, E. 2010. Nematoodid keldris ja aiamaal. - Maakodu (jaanuar 2010), 64–65.
Tammeleht, E., Korsten, M. Leht, M., Martin, A.-J., Lind, A., Männil, P., Valdma, H. 2010. Mida sööb pruunkaru Eestis ja Euroopas. Karu kõhust leiti Eestile uus sipelgaliik. - Eesti loodus, 12, 6–13.
Toomemaa, K., Martin, A.-J., Williams, I. H. 2010. L'effetto di diverse concentrazioni di acido ossalico in soluzione acquosa zuccherina sulla Varroa e sulle api. - L'Apicoltore Italiano 1, Gennaio 2011, 3–9.