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Magistritööde täistekstidega on võimalik tutvuda EMÜ Raamatukogu digitaalarhiivi DSpace vahendusel.
All the thesises are available via DSpace archive of the Library of the University of Life Sciences

Kui lõputöö pealkiri on siin kirjas eestikeelsena, siis on tegu eestikeelse lõputööga.
If the title is listed here in English it means the theses is written in English. 



  1. Sola Alaba Ayeni; Phylogenetic diversity of threatened plant species in Estonia; juhendajad: Pille Gerhold, Thomas Edouard L Leclère
  2. Majid Farhadi; Design and startup of a continuous-flow bioelectrochemical reactor for treating nitrate pollution from water; juhendaja: Mikk Espenberg
  3. Chukwuemeka Oji Kanu-Oji; Nutrient accumulation dynamics in treatment wetland plants; juhendajad: Kuno Kasak, Ivika Ostonen-Märtin
  4. Katariina Kliit; Person-specific variables predict depression symptoms better than environmental and weather variables; juhendajad: Kadri Leetmaa, Kairi Kreegipuu
  5. Mariliis Kolk; Eestikeelse oskussõnavara korrastamine kliimavaldkonna näitel; juhendajad: Piia Post, Peep Mardiste, Ülle Sihver
  6. Laura Kuusemets; The effect of fertilisation and crop on the nitrogen cycle based on microbial analysis and N2O emissions; juhendajad: Mikk Espenberg, Ülo Mander, Jordi Escuer Gatius
  7. Hanna-Riin Muttik; Industrial waste materials as potential secondary raw materials for Rare Earth Elements production: Rare Earth Elements in processing waste deposits of former Maardu Chemical Plant, Estonia; juhendaja: Kalle Kirsimäe
  8. Esther Amalachukwu Nwume; Root traits and microbial community - indicators for environmental change in belowground; juhendajad: Ivika Ostonen-Märtin, Mikk Espenberg
  9. Chidiebere Christy Obi; Connections between citizen science involvement levels and individual and community outcomes: a systematic analysis for environmental risks management; juhendajad: Monika Suškevics, Joanna Tamar Storie
  10. Ivy Britnzny Osae; Access to information and public participation in decision-making: implementation practices of the Aarhus convention in four supra-national regions in Europe; juhendaja: Monika Suškevics
  11. Mirjam Savioja; Kliimamuutuste mõju jääteede kui hiiumaa kultuuripärandi kujunemisele; juhendaja: Siiri Külm
  12. Kris-Robin Sirge; The studies of heat energy recovery and water reuse from treated greywater; juhendaja: Taavo Tenno
  13. Kennedy Katherine Tanner; PreliminaryinvestigationonthepresenceofmicroplasticsinSqualusblainvilleinthe Central Mediterranean Sea; juhendaja: Kalle Olli