
26.05.2023: Seminar „Australia at a Crossroads: Returning Country to Indigenous Land Management“

Maikuu viimasel reedel on taas  toimumas Maasitikuarhitektuuri õppetooli maastikuteemaliste seminaride sarja "Exploring Landscape Boundaries" seminar. 26. mail kell 13.00 algava veebiseminari teemaks on „Australia at a Crossroads: Returning Country to Indigenous Land Management". Veebiseminari veab Dr Adele Millard.

Seminar toimub videosillana BBB keskkonnas ja on avatud kõigile huvilistele. Eelnev registreerumine pole vajalik. Lisainfo Facebookist. Seminar on inglisekeelne.
Varasemate seminaride salvestusi saab järelvaadata SIIT.


Dr Millard is Manager, Country & Culture at the Robe River Kuruma Aboriginal Corporation and an Honorary Research Fellow at the School of Social Sciences, The University of Western Australia



The landmass now known as Australia was the sole domain of Indigenous peoples for 60,000+ years. We know from oral histories that landcare regimes, laws, and contestations were integral to Indigenous lives. With many waves of British and European invasion, and subsequently government, from the 18th Century, Indigenous peoples were denied their voices, choices, and fulfilment of their traditional rights – in which landcare was a deeply religious, cultural responsibility. Since 1992, significant legal precedents and legislative changes have enabled varying degrees of change to the colonists’ all-powerful status quo. It is not an easy task, reversing the impacts of 200+ years of abuse, denial, exile, and trauma. Prescribed bodies corporate are the entities required, by statute, to manage native title rights and interests at the juncture of land and cultural heritage. There are plentiful problems and polemics, just as there are slow and steady triumphs. Working in this space requires a certain resilience and perspective; but above it all, there is immense potential to facilitate meaningful change at grassroots level.


1992 Mabo Decision https://www.nma.gov.au/defining.../resources/mabo-decision

1993 Native Title Act https://nativetitle.org.au/.../native-title-rights-and...

Robe River Kuruma Aboriginal Corporation (RRKAC) https://www.rrkac.org.au/

RRKAC latest newsletter https://www.rrkac.org.au/.../Newsletter_April-2023_FINAL.pdf

Indigenous Desert Alliance https://www.indigenousdesertalliance.com/

2020 Juukan Gorge disaster https://www.riotinto.com/en/news/inquiry-into-juukan-gorge

2023 Indigenous Voice to Parliament https://nntc.com.au/the-voice-preliminarary-advice/