
29.04.2022: Seminar „CITIZEN SCIENCE: oppurtinities for environmental and landscape governance“

29. aprillil kell 13.00 toimub maastikuteemaliste seminaride sarja "Exploring Landscape Boundaries" järgmine veebiseminar „CITIZEN SCIENCE: oppurtinities for environmental and landscape governance“. Harrastusteaduse teemadel arutleb Monika Suškevičs.
Monika on keskkonnakaitse ja maastikukorralduse õppetooli nooremprofessor, kelle teadustegevuse fookusteks on inimeste kaasamine, keskkonnapoliitika ja kirjandusülevaadete metoodika. Seminaris käsitletav temaatika seondub harrastusteadusega ehk siis sellega, kuidas iga inimene saab anda panuse keskkonnateadustesse ja selle kaudu ümbritsevat elukeskkonda puudutavaisse otsustesse.

Seminar toimub videosillana BBB keskkonnas ja on avatud kõigile huvilistele. Eelnev registreerumine pole vajalik. Lisainfo Facebookist. Seminar on inglisekeelne.

Citizen Science refers to the active participation of volunteers in scientific research. It has been practiced for a long time in biology and environmental research, but only recently, has its potential for management practices been recognised. The potential of citizen science for landscape studies specifically and the related landscape governance, unfortunately remains understudied. This talk will therefore focus on the potential that citizen science brings to environmental and landscape governance. It will explain the key terms used to describe citizen science, the disciplines where citizen science has been applied and the lessons we can learn from them, and brings examples where citizen science has been successfully connected to environmental and landscape governance and management.

Monika Suškevičs is an assistant professor (from 2021) at the Chair of Environmental Protection and Landscape Management in EMÜ. Her research focuses on participatory approaches in natural resource governance, energy justice, literature reviews and qualitative methods. She has experience in studying participatory spatial planning, natural resource management, Green Infrastructure, and qualitative systematic reviews via her PhD studies (2008-14), post-doctoral research at Stockholm Resilience Center (2015-16) and completed projects. Currently, she is leading a project funded by EMÜ, which studies links between citizen science and environmental policy outcomes (ENCIVICs project, 2019-2022). Monika also participates in a project led by ZALF (Germany), studying participatory scenario planning in agricultural decision-making contexts, undertaken in four case study regions (Austria, Estonia, Germany, Switzeland, SALBES project, 2019-2022).

Key references
Eitzel, M.V., Cappadonna, J.L., Santos-Lang, C., et al ... Jiang, Q., 2017. Citizen science terminology matters: exploring key terms. CSTP 2, 1. http://doi.org/10.5334/cstp.96
Newman, G., Chandler, M., Clyde, M., et al ... D., Gallo, J., 2017. Leveraging the power of place in citizen science for effective conservation decision making. Biol. Conserv. 208, 55–64. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.biocon.2016.07.019
Toomey, A.H., Strehlau-Howay, L., Manzolillo, B., Thomas, C., 2020. The place-making potential of citizen science: Creating social-ecological connections in an urbanized world. Landsc. Urban Plan. 200, 103824. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.landurbplan.2020.103824