
11.03.2018 Dr. Silvia Newelli ja Dr. Mark McCarthy loengud veekogude lämmastikuringest

11. märtsil kell 14.00–17.00 toimuvad Metsamajas (Kreutzwaldi 5), ruumis D143 külalisprofessorite loengud.

Dr Silvia Newell (USA, Wright State University) peab loengu teemal „Linking new nitrogen to nitrate loss through nitrification: Using functional genes as a proxy for microbial community structure and abundance, who are the major nitrifiers and how do marine and freshwater communities compare?”

Dr Mark McCarthy (USA, Wright State University) peab loengu teemal „Are sediments a sink or source of nitrogen?: Balancing denitrification, anammox, N-fixation, and dissimilatory nitrate reduction to ammonium in coastal and freshwater sediments.“

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