Defended Thesis

Defended Thesis

Author Year Titel Supervisor
Marge Lanno 2023 Bio-waste composting in the framework of a circular economy Assoc. Prof. Merrit Shanskiy, Prof. Mait Kriipsalu, Dr. Anu Kisand
Olesja Escuer 2022 Ornamental plants growth and development depending on soil conditions modified by organic additives Prof. Kadri Karp, Assoc. Prof. Merrit Shanskiy
Jordi Escuer Gatius 2022 Mitigation of nitrous oxide emissions from arable soils Assoc. Prof. Merrit Shanskiy, Assoc. Prof. Kaido Soosaar, prof. Alar Astover
Liina Soonvald 2022 Response of root fungal communities to fertilisation, crop species and cultivar Prof. Marika Mänd, Prof. Alar Astover, Prof. Leho Tedersoo
Kaire Loit


Pathogenic and arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi in potato fields in Estonia

Prof. Alar Astover; Prof. Leho Tedersoo; Prof. Maarja Öpik
Kersti Vennik 2019

The effect of military vehicles on rut formation on Estonian soils and natural recovery of the ruts

Prof. Endla Reintam; Prof. Thomas Keller; Peeter Kukk
Elsa Putku 2016

Prediction models of soil organic carbon and bulk density of arable mineral soils

Prof. Alar Astover; Assoc. Prof. Christian Ritz
Diego Sanchez De Cima 2016

Soil properties affected by cover crops and fertilization in a crop rotation experiment

Assoc. Prof. Endla Reintam; Prof. Anne Luik
Liia Kukk 2012

Site-specific energy crop planning: Potential land resource, pedo-climatic And economic risks

Assoc. Prof. Alar Astover; Merrit Shansky
Katrin Trükmann 2011


Quantifizierung der Stabilisierungseffekte von Pflanzenwurzeln als Möglichkeit zur Reduzierung der mechanischen Bodendeformationen von unterschiedlich bewirtschafteten Grünlandstandorten

Prof. Rainer Horn; Assoc. Prof. Endla Reintam
Alar Astover 2007 Land use and soil management in Estonian agriculture during the transition from the Soviet period to the EU and its current optimisation by the spatial agro-economic decision support system Prof. Hugo Roostalu
Endla Reintam 2006 Changes in soil properties, spring barley Hordeum vulgare L.) and weed nutrition and community due to soil compaction and fertilization on sandy loam stagnic luvisol Assoc. Prof. Jaan Kuht
Prof. Raimo Kõlli, 
Valli Loide 2002 The content of available magnesium of Estonian soils, its ratio to potassium and calcium and the effect on the yield of field crops Prof. Emer. Paul Kuldkepp
Enn Leedu 1998 Possibilities to alleviate damage inflicted to Estonian agriculture through oil-shale mining Prof. Emer. Endel Kitse
Arno Kanal 1996 Organic matter turnover in arable Podzoluvisols Prof. Raimo Kõlli