Financed by: INTERREG IVC
Cofinancing: : Environmental Investment Centre and Estonian University of Life Sciences
The key objectives are to:
• Improve the goal-setting and quality of lake restoration in regions that have acknowledged the importance of lakes in their economic development.
• Improve the effectiveness of regional development policies related to water management, especially in the field of lake, pond and reservoir restoration and management.
Project leader in Estonia: Lea Tuvikene
Personnel: Randel Kreitsberg, Merit Kreitsberg, Kristjan Soo
Home page:

Estonian University of Life Sciences organized an interregional dissemination event on lake management in Tallinn, October 11th, 2013. It was a joint seminar of two EU projects, LakeAdmin – Regional administration of lake restoration initiatives (, and REFRESH – Adaptive Strategies to Mitigate the Impacts of Climate Change on European Freshwater Ecosystems (
The outcome of the both projects was introduced to the stakeholders dealing with lake management in Estonia: water department of the Ministry of the Environment, Environmental Agency, environmental consultancy enterprises, fishery managers, universities and public. Among the 36 participants, also three quests from Latvia and speakers from Finland and UK attended the seminar.
The key objective of REFRESH, supported by EU 7th Framework Programme, is to develop a framework that will enable water managers to design cost-effective restoration programmes for freshwater ecosystems. This will account for the expected future impacts of climate change and land-use. The project’s outcome is useful for updating the River Basin Management Plans (RBMPs). Project leader from UK, Martin Kernan, and Peeter Nõges from Estonian University of Life Sciences highlighted most valuable REFRESH outcomes and introduced the main deliverables and publications.
LakeAdmin, supported by the Interreg IVC Programme of the European Regional Development Fund, is addressed to improve the goal-setting and quality of lake restoration, and to enhance the effectiveness of regional development policies related to water management, especially in the field of lake, pond and reservoir restoration and management.
Irja Truumaa from Estonian Ministry of the Environment pointed out in her presentation the most desired outputs of the projects for managing authorities. For example, she rated highly the guiding materials and recommendations from the both projects to consider influences of climate change in just being renewed RBMPs of the EU states.
Guests from the Latvian Institute for Environmental Solutions, Matīss Žagars and Barbel Muller Karulis talked about the plans for Lake Burtnieks restoration, and Ilkka Sammalkorpi from Finnish Environment Institute shared the rich Finnish experience on lake management and restoration. In Estonia, one of the most expected outcome of LakeAdmin will be Plans of Measures to improve the status of four lakes which are all currently stated in RBMPs as lakes of not good ecological quality. The first version of the Plan of Measures for Lake Viitna Pikkjärv was introduced by Randel Kreitsberg from Estonian University of Life Sciences and thoroughly discussed in the seminar.
From the side of stakeholders, Peeter Ennet from Estonian Environmental Board, made specific suggestion to test and develop in Estonia the good practice from Finland, water quality models for estimating the need to reduce external loading and the role of internal loading. In addition, he emphasized the need for creating a catalogue of measures attached to RBMPs together with an expert tool to evaluate the efficiency of the applied measures, and the web-based auxiliary materials for planning the measures.
The seminar was co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund in the Framework of the Interreg IVC Programme and European Union Seventh Framework Programme.
The presentations of the seminar can be seen at: