Chemical mass marking of European eel (Anguilla anguilla)
Project code: 931214780023
Project duration: 01.03.2014-30.06.2015
EFF funding: 71079,53€
The project aim was to massmark eels meant for restocking in year of 2014 and 2015. In spring of 2014 an alizarin Red S (ARS) marking was carryed out with french origin glass eels. For Lake Saadjärv we marked 12,5 kg out of 54,72 kg, Lake Kuremaa 12,3 kg out of 24,66 kg and lake Kaiavere 20,2 kg out of 32,94 kg glass eels. The ARS marking success was 94% out of 34
fish otoliths analyzed. For 27,09 kg lake Vagula glass eels we used 0,25 g / L strontsium chloride. This mark was not observed in otolith with SEM EDS.
In summer of 2014 we massmarked a bit less than 200 000 pre-grown eels with strontsium chloride. They were restocked into 5 main eel lakes in Estonia – L. Saadjärv (11 900 invidivuals), L. Kuremaa (5 380), L. Kaiavere (7 087), L. Vagula (6 200) and L. Võrtsjärv (165 670). The strontsium mark was very well observed with LA-ICP-MS. Durning the 5 day marking period we did second ARS mark to the 4 first smaller lakes. The ARS succsses as second mark was 75%.
In spring of 2015 we used enriched stable Barium 137 isotope to mark 562,4 kg glass eels at 93 μg/L for 3 days. Further analyzes are needed to conclude marking success.
Modernization of equipment and improvement of stock assessment methodology for estimation commercial fish stocks in Estonian University of Life Sciences. EFF 2013-2015.
EFF Funding: 370 000€
Basic equipment for fish stock assessment capability was improved through obtaining new research vessel, motorboat and different fishing gear 20 Nordic type multimesh gillnets, purse seine 1 ha, two bottom trawls.