
Title: Joint Master's Curriculum in Rural Community Development – RuralCOM

Project duration: 01.09.2020-31.08.2023 (36 months)

National agency of the applicant oraganisation: EE01 Foundation Archimedes

Language: english

Project partners:

EMÜ (project leader, Contact: Roger Gilchrist Evans (; Lea Sudakova (; Tarmo Pilving (; Kadri Erit (; Ly Härm-Kask (




UH (


About the project:

RuralCOM project is initiated by five universities: Estonian University of Life Sciences (EMU), Latvia University of Life Sciences and Technologies (LBTU), Vytautas Magnus University (VMU), Ruralia Institute of Helsinki University (UH), Bucharest University of Economic Studies (ASE) to develop joint Master's Curriculum of Rural Community Development (RuralCOM). This joint RuralCOM Master's curriculum will be implemented by three Baltic States partners, Finnish and Romanian partners (UH and ASE respectively) adapt selected courses/ modules and the e-learning content. UH and ASE are chosen as important partners for further networking, lecturing, mobility and collaboration for students' Master thesis work. UH is leading the development of the MOOC of Social Entrepreneurship for Rural Community Development and ASE leads Output 3 of adult learning courses for rural community leaders.

By developing a new joint curriculum on rural community development this RuralCOM project aims to implement joint initiatives together by promoting cooperation, peer learning and exchange of experiences at European level. Rural community development encompasses a range of approaches and activities that aim to improve the welfare and livelihoods of people living in rural areas focusing on rural sociology, tourism, local economy and sustainable environment. Rural community development curriculum/program differs to a great extent from rural development in general. RuralCOM focuses on villages and people, including the sociological aspects of human beings (not only infrastructure and economic aspects). The overall objective of the RuralCOM project is to support rural community development, social entrepreneurship and environmental sustainability of rural areas. Currently, there are no holistic and integrated rural community development curriculum in Master’s level in partner areas.

RuralCOM consortium will develop, implement and test a new approach to promote creativity, entrepreneurial thinking and skills for designing innovation in close cooperation with the rural communities in which the universities are embedded. This will be achieved by three core activities and outputs - the new joint Master’s curriculum on Rural Community Development (O1), RuralCOM e-learning materials and the RuralCOM MOOC (O2) and continuous and adult learning courses with materials for rural development leaders (O3).

Main results of the RuralCOM project:

1) O1: New Joint Master’s Curriculum on Rural Community Development (Output 1) - to be implemented in Baltic States (EMÜ, LBTU). Lithuanian (VMU), Finnish (UH) and Romanian partner (ASE) take part in developing the curriculum but adapt only selected courses and modules of the new output.

2) O2: E-learning materials and the RuralCOM MOOC (Output 2) - e-learning content is developed in 25 ECTS to support face-to-face learning (new joint curriculum of O1) with digital materials (study videos and 360 videos, online exercises and tests, etc). One MOOC (massive open online course) is also developed on “Social Entrepreneurship for Rural Development” (5 ECTS in English).

3) O3: Continuous and adult learning courses for rural development leaders (Output 3) - 10 adult learning courses based on O1 and O2 materials are adapted for short intensive courses targeted to local rural development leaders (8-16 hours courses). Each partner is responsible for developing 2 courses (a total of 10 courses). All courses are available in English and as relevant, translation is made to Estonian, Latvian, Lithuanian, Finnish and Romanian for local training at rural community level.


You are welcome to join the following online course:


MOOC AGERE-A09 Sustainable Rural Social Entrepreneurship, 5 ECTS

Additional information about MOOC: Aapo Jumppanen,



Welcome to the course sustainable rural social entrepreneurship! 

Social enterprises are growing their importance as a tool for the development of rural communities across Europe and beyond. They are used to breaking the vicious circle many rural communities suffer such as: accessibility challenges due to long distance, ageing population, diminishing local services, the outmigration of the young, reductions in public financing, lack of jobs etc. Social enterprises and community-based social enterprises are ways to improve the livelihoods of rural residents. They can be used to create new, easily accessible services for the old and young in rural communities and to create new jobs and business opportunities and diminish social exclusion. (The Rural Social Enterprise Guidebook of Good Practice 2021, 7) 

The definition for social enterprise varies among countries. Nevertheless, social enterprises always have three core dimensions. 1) Economic and entrepreneurial dimension, which means continuous service or goods providing, economic risk is taken by employed workers in addition to volunteers. 2) Social dimension — social enterprise is a collective initiative launched by a community or a group of people. These enterprises have social goals, and their aim is to benefit the community and do business in a socially responsible way. 3) Participatory governance — Equal decision-making that is not based on the capital share and involve wide variety of parties. (The Rural Social Enterprise Guidebook of Good Practice 2021, 8)

Learning outcome

After completing this course, you know what social enterprises and community-based social enterprises are and how they can be used in the development of rural communities in Europe and other parts of the world.

You will learn to:

  • Recognize different approaches to local entrepreneurship and the special features of social entrepreneurship in the field of sustainable entrepreneurship.
  • Apply the tools of social entrepreneurship at practical and theoretical level. 
  • Integrate different approaches in the analysis of rural development.
  • Plan, organize and realize the sustainable development of local communities.

Pre-requirements for completing the course

This interdisciplinary course is a part of studies on master’s programme Agricultural, Environmental and Resource Economics (AGERE). Students from all fields of study are welcome to this multidisciplinary course. A keen interest in rural development and social enterprises are required. Knowing the basics of business and entrepreneurship are recommended before starting the course.



Author: Visit Lahemaa