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- Summer school of land use history 17-20 September 2018
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Summer school of land use history
17-20 September 2018, Karula NP & Tartu
Language: In English
Course code: PK.1675
Credits: 2 ECTS
The modern landscape and habitats originate from the past. Without information about their evolution throughout history, it is complicated to make prognoses for the future and plan the appropriate management. The aim of the land use history summer school is to provide knowledge about the land use history of rural areas and introduce research methods relevant to the topic. Soil properties have always played important role in development of land use, therefore the soil morphological characteristics are a valuable information source for land use history research. Several questions could be asked: can we detect traces of grazing or ploughing in the soils? What traces have left the earlier forest succession? What information of former land use can be obtained from soil charcoal? All abovenamed themes and many other aspects of land use history will be examined in summer school. The focus of the summer school is on practical works. The fieldworks will be carried out during three days and one day will be dedicated to studying the collected samples in the laboratory.
The organizers welcome participants from the Estonian University of Life Sciences (doctoral students of Environmental Sciences and Applied Biology, Forestry, Agricultural Sciences). Doctoral students from other universities in the fields of ecology, botany, geology, landscape ecology, environmental sciences and archelogy, who’s research themes are associated with land use history are also welcomed to take part in the summer school.
Organizers will provide the accommodation, meals and transportation during the fieldworks summer school. The participants have to cover their travel to Tartu and back home.
As part of the application, a motivation letter is needed (about 300 words). Students from other universities will have to present their work during the summer school and a short abstract (250 words) of the presentation needs to be added to the registration form.
The deadline for application is 22.05.2018. Please fill the registration form, motivation letter and abstract (if needed).
Registration form:
Chair of Environmental Protection and Landscape Management
Institute of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences
Estonian University of Life Sciences
Kreutzwaldi 5, Tartu
Pille Tomson, pille.tomson@emu.ee
Fieldwork in Karula National Park
10 30. Arrival, accommodation, coffee break.
11.00-11.10. Introduction.
11.10-11.30 Overview about land use history studies in Estonia. Pille Tomson (Estonian University of Life Sciences).
11.30 -12.30 Introductory lecture. Elena Ponomarenko (Ottawa University).
12.30 Lunch.
13.30-16.30 Study trip. Land use traces and prehistorical objects in Karula parish.
16.30-18.00 Presentations of participants.
18.00-19.00 Dinner
19.00- 20.30 Presentations of participants.
Fieldwork in Karula NP
9.30-10.30 Introduction to Estonian soils. Lector from EMÜ soil department.
10.30-18.00 Fieldworks. Sampling methodology. Traces of agricultural land use in soil profile. Elena Ponomarenko. Packed lunch.
18.00-19.00 Dinner.
19.00- 20.30 Presentations of participants. Discussion and conclusion of day.
Fieldwork in Karula NP
9.00-10.00 Overview archaeological studies in southern Estonia. Lecture from Tartu University.
10.00-18.00. Fieldworks. Soil profiles in the forests. Traces of forest succession. Elena Ponomarenko. Packed lunch.
18-19. Dinner.
19.00. Departure to Tartu.
Laboratory day in Tartu, EMÜ
9. 00- 10.00 Introduction to the laboratory work. Elena Ponomarenko.
10.00-10.30 Coffee break.
10.30-13.00 Work in laboratory. Traces of land use in soil morphology. Elena Ponomarenko.
13.00-13.30. Lunch.
13.30- 16.00. Work in laboratory.
16.00-16.15 Coffee break.
16.15-17.00. Conclusions.

The organizing of summer school is endowed by the Doctoral School of Earth Sciences and Ecology,
supported by the European Union, European Regional Development Fund
(Estonian University of Life Sciences ASTRA project „Value-chain based bio-economy“).