
16.09.2021 Thesis Defense: Hares Khan - Pelagic calcite precipitation in lakes: from a global to a local perspective on its drivers and implications

On September 16th starting at 16:00 doctoral student Hares Khan will be defending his thesis „Pelagic calcite precipitation in lakes: from a global to a local perspective on its drivers and implications" (joint defense with the University of Barcelona).

Supervisors are Dr. Biel Obrador (University of Barcelona, Spain), Dr. Alo Laas (Eesti Maaülikool).

Opponent is Prof. Marie Elodie Perga (Université de Lausanne).

The defense will take place via virtual webroom but is located in University of Barcelona in Aula Magna

Abstract and PDF full text are available in Library of Estonian University of Life Sciences DSpace archive:

Address of defence (copy the address to browser):,%22Oid%22:%2233aef528-2ddf-4bea-8385-ba2e51b62af9%22%7D