Institute of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences
The institute unites various fields of agriculture, environmental protection, nature conservation and rural economy. This combination follows international trends that treat agriculture as a human activity in the use of natural resources and the provision of ecosystem services. The existing structure supports research on global challenges (climate and environmental change, biodiversity conservation, a high-quality living environment, energy for the future, etc.) and thus a European Union Green Deal goals, and creates the preconditions for wide-ranging international cooperation.
Structure of the Institute of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences:
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Project "Europe-LAND": Co-Creation Workshop in Saaremaa
The Estonian University of Life Sciences Campus Project Receives Recognition from the Estonian Landscape Architects' Union
Estonian University of Life Sciences tests green asphalt and rain garden in Rõhu Garden
The World Ploughing Championships will be held in August at the Rõhu Garden of the Estonian University of Life Sciences
Project "Europe-LAND" annual meeting in Coimbra
30.05.2024 Thesis Defense: Upendra Bhele - Modelling of large shallow lake food web based on long term monitoring data
29th of May: Research Seminar of the Chair of Environmental Protection and Landscape Management