
EcolChange seminar 14.12.2017: Mohammad Bahram - Microbial biogeography in the light of molecular data

EcolChange teaduse tippkeskuse ja TÜ Botaanika osakonna selle aasta viimane ühisseminar toimub neljapäeval 14. detsembril kell 15.15 aadressil Lai 40 ruumis 218 (Vaga auditorium). Rootsi Uppsala Ülikooli teadur Mohammad Bahram peab loengu "Microbial biogeography in the light of molecular data".

Microbes are difficult to identify by conventional methods. Recent advances in molecular methods allow us to identify thousands of microbial taxa from a single sample. This talk will outline how we have used these methods to examine various aspects of microbial biogeography.