Projekti toetab Horisont 2020, Euroopa Liidu teadusuuringute ja innovatsiooni raamprogramm grandiga nr. 951963


TREICLAKE - Towards Research Excellence and Innovation Capacity in Studing Lake Ecosystems Functional Structures and Climate Change Impact


Rahastusvoor: H2020-WIDESPREAD-2020-5

Teema: WIDESPREAD-05-2020 Twinning

Kogueelarve: 899 750 eurot (100% Euroopa Komisjon)

Eesti Maaülikooli eelarve sealhulgas: 468 500 eurot


Euroopa Liidu mestimisprogrammi Twinning projekti TREICLAKE – Teadustöö tipptaseme ja innovatsioonivõime saavutamise suunas järvede ökosüsteemide funktsionaalsete struktuuride ja kliimamuutuste mõju uurimisel eesmärk on olulisel määral tugevdada Eesti järveökoloogiat.

Maaülikooli Limnoloogiakeskuses on Eesti veekogude tervist ja toimimist uuritud juba ligi 70 aastat. Järjekindalt on paranenud teadlaste võime mõista ja kirjeldada vetevallas toimuvaid ökoloogilisi protsesse. Tõusmaks aga järgmisele tasandile, on vajalik suurendada olemasolevat võimekust, õppida ja arendada välja uusi metoodikaid ja osaleda senisest enam rahvusvahelistes teadusvõrgustikes. Ainult nii on võimalik suurendada oma mõjukust teadusmaailmas.

Koostöös projektipartnerite, kogenud, rahvusvaheliselt tunnustatud ülikoolidega korraldame hulgaliselt kohtumisi, töötubasid, loenguid ja kursusi ja individuaalset noorteadlaste mentorlust. Õpime uusi meetodeid, analüüsime olemasolevaid andmeid, lihvime oskusi mõjukate teadustekstide kirjutamiseks ja tulemuste tutvustamiseks. Meie ümber möllava pandeemia tingimustes on muidugi reisimine raskendatud ja mitmed kohtumised toimuvad elektrooniliselt, kuid positiivsest küljest võimaldab see veelgi rohkem noorteadlasi, aga samuti juba kogenud teadustöötajaid projekti tegevustesse kaasa haarata ja seeläbi projekti tulemuslikkust kasvatada.



Eesti Maaülikool (juhtpartner): Helen Agasild, Priit Zingel, Fabien André Daniel

Cremona, Ilmar Tõnno, Fabio Ercoli, Marju Tamm, Tiina Nõges, Lea Tuvikene (projektijuht)

Århusi Ülikool, Taani: Torben Linding Lauridsen, Erik Jeppesen (EMÜ audoktor), Thomas Davidson, Dennis Trolle, Eti Ester Levi, Liselotte Sander Johansson, Anders Nielsen jt

Jyväskylä Ülikool, Soome: Anna Kuparinen, Mikko Kiljunen, Sami Taipale, Silva Uusi-Heikkilä, Antti Eloranta jt



Projekti avaüritus „Lükka lahti!“ 25.-26. jaanuar 2021 veebikeskkonnas.

Toimunud töötoad, kursused ja muud ettevõtmised:

  • Stabiilsete isotoopide uurimise meetodid, 3.-4. juuni 2021, veebipõhine koolitus
  • Võrgupõhine Ajakirjaklubi toiduahelate allomeetriliste  mudelite teemal
    • 6. oktoober 2021: Ökoevolutsioonilised ja Ecopath + Ecosim (EwE) mudelid
    • 8. november 2021: Allomeetrilise toiduahela (ATN) mudel - kasulik tööriist kliimamuutuste ja võõrliikide sissetungi tagajärgede ennustamiseks toitainete dünaamikale, produktsioonile ja toiduvõrgu toimimisele ning energiaülekandele ökosüsteemis.
  • EMÜ hüdrobioloogia ja kalanduse õppetooli kraadiõppurid ja noorteadlased on saanud võimaluse osaleda Jyväskylä Ülikooli ainekursustel
    • Teadusartikli kirjutamine, 07.01-25.03.2021
    • Kursus „“Aquatic ecosystems” (WETS1046), 15.2.-25.4.2022“
  • Mesokosmikatsed Århusis ja Ankaras Euroopa Liidu projekti „Aquacosm“ ( raames.
  • Århusi Ülikooli Lemmingi mesokosmide külastusele 29.11.2021 eelnes EMÜ audoktori, prof. Erik Jeppeseni tutvustav ettekanne nende rajatise ajaloost ja praegustest tegevustest seal.
  • Vedelikkromatograafia (HPLC) töötuba toimus Århusi ülikooli bioteaduste osakonnas 29.11-2.12.2021.
  • Modelleerimise töötuba toimus Århusi Ülikooli bioteaduste osakonnas 29.11-2.12.2021: kuidas kasutada SWAT+ ja WET integreeritud modelleerimist järve valgala hõlmavaks analüüsiks.
  • EMU teadus- ja arendustöö tugevdamine partnerülikoolidelt õppides. 30. novembril 2021 külastasid EMU töötajad Århusi ülikooli teadusuuringute tugiüksust ja Århusi ülikooli startup keskust The Kitchen ( The Kitchen on loodud selleks, et aidata ettevõtjatel ja arendajatel  Århusi ülikoolis kasvada. Meile tutvustati The Kitcheni tööpõhimõtteid.
  • Projektitaotluste kirjutamise ja projektide majandamise töötoad.
    • 17.11.2021 Tartus, Eesti Maaülikooli põllumajandus- ja keskkonnainstituudi hüdrobioloogia ja kalanduse õppetoolis. See töötuba keskendus Euroopa Liidu uuele teaduse ja innovatsiooni rahastamisprogrammile ning seda õpetasid Horizon Europe Eesti riiklikud kontaktpunktid Eesti Teadusagentuurist. Järgmine samalaadne, kuid rohkem arenenud töötuba suuremale, instituudi tasemel publikule on planeeritud 2022. aasta maikuusse.
    • 16.12.2021 töötuba oli peamiselt suunatud partnerülikoolide noortele teadlastele ja õppejõududele. Eurocenter Research and Innovation konsultandid ja Jyväskylä Ülikooli projektijuhtimisteenistuse eksperdid tutvustasid detailsemalt Horizon Europe projektide eelarve teemasid ja projektide majandamise häid näiteid, samuti sise- ja väliskommunikatsiooni.
  • Kursus „Rasvhapete ja stabiilsete isotoopide määramine erinevatest biokeemilistest ühenditest“, Jyväskylä Ülikool, 14.-18.03.2022.
  • EMU noorteadlased osalesid teaduskonverentside ettekannete tegemise koolitustel OIKOS Finland 2021 (1.-3.02; korraldaja Jyväskylä Ülikool) ja noorteadlaste töötoas Madalate järvede konverentsil (01.-03.03.2021).
  • Rahvusvaheline limnoloogia suvekool "“Experience limnology in the field” 5 – 9.06.2023, Limnoloogiakeskus.
  • Veepäev madalate järvede konverentsi ajal:


Projekti toel avaldatud teadusartiklid:

Kaitstud doktoritööd:

Öğlü, Burak 2021. Impact of climate change and other ecological factors on selected fish populations and fishery in Estonian large lakes. Opponent Prof. Anna Kuparinen (JYU), Pre-opponent: Prof. Kalle Olli, Supervisors: Prof. Tanel Kaart, Külli Kangur and Fabien Cremona. Available at EMU DSpace,

Janatian, Nasime 2021. Hydrometeorological and climatic control over lake phytoplankton: the importance of time scales. Supervisors: Peeter Nõges, Biel Obrador, Fabien Cremona, Alo Laas; Opponent: Dr. Silva Uusi-Heikkilä (JYU)

Panksep, Kristel 2022. From microscopy to genes – tracing toxic cyanobacteria in a shallow eutrophic lake. Supervisors: Veljo Kisand, Helen Agasild, Kaarina Sivonen. Opponent: Prof Gabor Vasas (University of Debrecen, Hungary).

Konverentsidest osavõtt:

  • 10th International Shallow Lakes Conference (in the virtual format, March 1st to 5th 2021, organized from Natal, Brazil),  
  • Lahti Lakes 2021 online symposium June 7-9 2021 hosted from Lahti, Finland. Five EMU scientists, 6 presentations (3 oral presentations, 3 posters) – two of them in co-authoship with TREICLAKE partners (AU) or members of Scientific Committee.
  • 12th Symposium for European Freshwater Sciences, 25-30 July 2021. Virtual Conference.  
  • 18th World Lake Conference (WLC18) organised virtually by International Lake Environment Committee Foundation (ILEC) in 9-11 November 2021.
  • ASLO-JASM (Joint Aquatic Sciences Meeting), May 2022, Grand Rapids, Michigan, USA. 
  • International Society of of Limnology (SIL) 36th Congress, Berlin, 7-10 August 2022, hybrid format. 
  • International Conference mereRITA, 17-18 March 2022. Tallinn, Estonia
  • The International Conference on Application of Stable Isotope Techniques to Ecological Studies (IsoEcol) June 6-10, 2022, Gaming, Austria.
  • Joint European Stable Isotope Users Group Meeting JESIUM, Oct 2022, Kuopio, Finland.
  • NEOBIOTA (12th International Conference on Biological Invasions), 12-16 September, Tartu, Estonia.
  • Conference CrayfIT, 5-9 September 2023, Pavia, Italy. 
  • SAME17 (Symposium on Aquatic Microbial Ecology), August 2023, Tartu, Estonia
  • EcoBalt 2023, October, Tallinn

Korraldatud konverentsid ja seminarid

  • Ülemaailmse veepäeva konverents Limnoloogiakeskuses, 22.03.2022
  • 11th International Shallow Lakes Conference, 11-16 June 2023, Tartu, Estonia. Organised by EMU (TREICLAKE team), included keynote presentations by Fabien Cremona (EMU) and Sami Taipale (JYU), 40 participants from EMU, 7 from JYU, 6 from AU.
  • Projekti lõpukonverents, Tallinn, 9.11.2023
  • Ülemaailmse veepäeva seminar Limnoloogiakeskuses, 22.03.2024

Järveteaduse populariseerimine:

  • Teadlaste öö festival „Vesi toidab“ , töötuba EMÜ Metsamajas 23.09.2021 ja AHHAA teaduskohvik (Vein ja Vine, Rüütli 8, Tartu) teemal „Kala – süüa või mitte“,

Projekti väljundid


 TREICLAKE sotsiaalmeedias:


This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 951963


Project: Towards Research Excellence and Innovation Capacity in Studing Lake Ecosystems Functional Structures and Climate Change Impact – TREICLAKE.

Duration: 01/01/2021-31/12/2023

Call: H2020-WIDESPREAD-2020-5

Topic:  WIDESPREAD-05-2020 Twinning

Finacing: 899 750 € (100% European Commission)


The project is aimed to improve the capability of Estonian aquatic ecologists. Two internationally acclaimed research centres are helping to achieve this goal: Aarhus University and University of Jyväskylä.

Within the field of aquatic ecology, the Estonian University of Life Sciences (EMU) through the Chair of Hydrobiology and Fishery and Centre for Limnology (CL) has steadily improved its ability to describe the ecological processes in Estonian lakes. However, in order to reach the next level in terms of scientific excellence and broader impact within the scientific community, it must move beyond just describing ecological processes in the regional scale. Application of more innovative and advanced methods of experimentation as well as sound experienced guidance for data analysis, scientific writing and presentation would lead CL researchers to be able to develop new paradigms for freshwater ecosystems.

Through this cooperation and knowledge exchange, EMU greatly improves its use of existing research methods as well as develops cutting-edge new approaches that will help EMU to make significant contributions to our understanding of lake ecology and its effects on the environment. The collaboration also help EMU translate scientific expertise into a greater impact in the international scientific community via publishing of articles and participation in conferences and international projects. We aim to improve the education provided to students at all three levels (BSc, MSc, PhD) within EMU by offering new courses and opportunities to study with partner institutions. TREICLAKE will also help EMU to disseminate and exploit research results to audiences beyond the scientific community. This includes policy makers, youth and the general public, to improve understanding of the importance of the topic, including the role that lakes play in addressing climate change.



Kick-off meeting of the project, January 25-26, 2021. Web-event.

Stable isotope (SI) workshop, June 3-4 2021, Zoom environment. Advanced training on SI investigative methods and training on SI modelling for assessing the proportions of different diet sources to consumers in food webs.

Training on Allometric trophic food web models took place in the form of online “Journal-club”. Basing on previously distributed scientific papers, participants in web meetings discuss new methods and modelling instruments.

  • October 6, 2021: discussions on functioning and performance of eco-evolutionary and Ecopath with Ecosim (EwE) models and on the possibility to conduct a joint model comparison between JYU and EMU based on the papers that had been previously distributed.
  • November 8, 2021: Allometric Trophic Network (ATN) model - a useful tool for predicting the consequences of climate change and invasion of alien non-native species on nutrient dynamics, productivity and food web functioning and energy transfer at the ecosystem scale.


EMU students have been invited to take part in the courses provided by University of Jyväskylä.

  • Course on scientific writing in JYU on 07.01-25.03.2021.
  • The course “Aquatic ecosystems” (WETS1046), 15.2.-25.4.2022 consists of lectures, reading articles and writing learning diary, computer exercises, essay writing and seminar.


Mesocosm experiments in Aarhus and Ankara, summer and autumn 2021 – three EMU early stage scientists took the opportunities offered by Aquacosm plus ( – EU network of mesocosms facilities for research on marine and freshwater ecosystems open for global collaboration.

Hands-on chromatographic (HPLC - High performance liquid chromatography) workshop was held at the Department of Bioscience at University of Aarhus, 30.11-2.12.2021. Estonian and Danish partners experimented with different methods for analyzing phytoplankton pigments. Several internal standards were compared during workshop, their pros and cons were discussed. Also, selectivity of different HPLC columns, instruments and the effect of mobile phases were compared. The workshop was definitely useful for both partners.

Modelling Workshop was held at the Department of Bioscience at University of Aarhus, 29.11-2.12.2021. Three EMU researchers learned how to take an integrated modelling approach, where a model for the catchment, such as the Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT+), and a model for a lake ecosystem within the catchment, the Water Ecosystems Tool (WET), are coupled in a chain for enabling system-wide analysis.

Visit to Aarhus University Lemming mesocosm experimental area, 29.11.2021 was followed to an introductory presentation on history of AU mesocosm facility and present activites by Prof. Erik Jeppesen.

Strengthening of EMU Department of Research and Development (RD) by learning from the partner universities. On 30th of November 2021 EMU staff visited the Aarhus University Research Support Unit and Aarhus Univesity’s Startup Hub called The Kitchen ( The Kitchen is dedicated to help entrepreneurs and innovators grow in Aarhus University. We were introduced the main principles of how the The Kitchen works. The ideas and the suggestions were brought to home.

Workshops for project preparation and management

  • The first workshop on 17.11.2021 in Tartu, EMU. This in-person workshop focused on the European Union's new research and innovation funding program and was taught by the Horizon Europe National Contact Points of Estonia. The next similar but more advanced workshop for a larger, institute level audience was planned to May 2022.
  • The second workshop on 16.12.2021 was mainly targeted on early stage scientists and the teachers (and several students) from the partner universities. During the workshop participants were given insight and knowledge on how to write a good funding proposal.
  • Continuous individual consultations on EMU project proposals by the partners, and the common project proposals are a part of the TREICLAKE project.

Course on fatty acid and compound specific isotope analyses in Jyväskylä, March 14-18.2022. Principles of fatty acid and compound specific isotope analyses (CSIA). Step by step analytical procedure of the fatty acid analyses. Analyses of fatty acid chromatograms. Visiting the CSIA laboratory and introduction to the Compound Specific Isotope Ratio Mass Spectrometry (CIRMS) instruments.

Workshops on making presentations at scientific conferences.

  • EMU early stage researchers participated in OIKOS Finland 2021 conference (February 1-3, organised by Jyväskylä University) workshop on data presenting and using gRaphics – Data-driven storytelling,
  • and took part in the Early Career Researcher (ECR) Workshop during the Shallow Lakes conference, 01-03.03.2021.


Dissemination and exploitation

Plan for Dissemination and Exploitation of the Project's Results (PDER) created during the first half of the project life time and is being complemented every 6 months. It includes the tools and activities to promote the action and results, make the results public and make concrete use of the results.


  • PhD thesis:

Öğlü, Burak 2021. Impact of climate change and other ecological factors on selected fish populations and fishery in Estonian large lakes. Opponent Prof. Anna Kuparinen (JYU), Pre-opponent: Prof. Kalle Olli, Supervisors: Prof. Tanel Kaart, Külli Kangur and Fabien Cremona. Available at EMU DSpace,

Janatian, Nasime 2021. Hydrometeorological and climatic control over lake phytoplankton: the importance of time scales. Supervisors: Peeter Nõges, Biel Obrador, Fabien Cremona, Alo Laas; Opponent: Dr. Silva Uusi-Heikkilä (JYU). Available at EMU DSpace

Panksep, Kristel 2022.From microscopy to genes – tracing toxic cyanobacteria in a shallow eutrophic lake. Veljo Kisand (University of Tartu), Helen Agasild (Estonian University of Life Sciences), Kaarina Sivonen (University of Helsinki). Available at: 


  • Conferences

The TREICLAKE team members, EMU researchers and graduate students took part in following conferences:

  • 10th International Shallow Lakes Conference (in the virtual format, March 1st to 5th 2021, organized from Natal, Brazil),  
  • Lahti Lakes 2021 online symposium June 7-9 2021 hosted from Lahti, Finland. Five EMU scientists, 6 presentations (3 oral presentations, 3 posters) – two of them in co-authoship with TREICLAKE partners (AU) or members of Scientific Committee.
  • 12th Symposium for European Freshwater Sciences, 25-30 July 2021. Virtual Conference.  
  • 18th World Lake Conference (WLC18) organised virtually by International Lake Environment Committee Foundation (ILEC) in 9-11 November 2021.
  • ASLO Ocean Sciences Meeting 27 February - 4 March 2022. Hybrid.  
  • ASLO-JASM (Joint Aquatic Sciences Meeting), May 2022, Grand Rapids, Michigan, USA.  
  • International Society of of Limnology (SIL) 36th Congress, Berlin, 7-10 August 2022, hybrid format. 
  • International Conference mereRITA, 17-18 March 2022. Tallinn, Estonia. 
  • The International Conference on Application of Stable Isotope Techniques to Ecological Studies (IsoEcol) June 6-10, 2022, Gaming, Austria.
  • Joint European Stable Isotope Users Group Meeting JESIUM, Oct 2022, Kuopio, Finland. 
  • NEOBIOTA (12th International Conference on Biological Invasions), 12-16 September, Tartu, Estonia. 
  • 16th International Living Lakes Conference, December 2022, Puno, Peru. 
  • IAA 23, 20-25 June 2022. Czeck Republic. 
  • 10th International Symposium on Ecosystem Behavior (BIOGEOMON), 26-30 June 2022, Tartu, Estonia. 
  • Neobiota 2022, 12-16 June 2022, Tartu, Estonia. 
  • Conference CrayfIT, 5-9 September 2023, Pavia, Italy. 
  • SAME17 (Symposium on Aquatic Microbial Ecology), August 2023, Tartu, Estonia. 
  • EcoBalt 2023, October, Tallinn.

Conferences/seminars organized: 

  • 11th International Shallow Lakes Conference, 11-16 June 2023, Tartu, Estonia. Organised by EMU, included keynote presentations by Fabien Cremona (EMU) and Sami Taipale (JYU), 40 participants from EMU, 7 from JYU, 6 from AU. The conference had 111 participants from 20 countries. There were 13 sections, 3 workshops, and a popular science Water Day. Seven keynote presentations were given - 2 from Estonia, 2 from the USA, 1 from Finland, 1 from Brazil, and 1 from Austria. Fifty-four oral presentations and 21 poster presentations were listened to. The conference sessions covered lake processes and their modelling, food webs, time series and climate impact, new breakthrough research techniques, algal blooms, and the impact of invasive species. The excursion day took interested participants to explore Lake Peipsi and Lake Võrtsjärv, the Lake Museum, the Emajõgi River by boat, and the characteristic bog ecosystems of Estonia.
  • End of Project Dissemination Conference “How to better apply scientific results to improve the condition of lakes?” was held in Tallinn, 9.11.2023.
    46 participants, incl. representatives of the main Estonian environmental organisations.
  • World Water Day conference in the Centre for Limnology, 22.03.2023
  • World Water Day seminar in the Centre for Limnology, 22.03.2024

Popularization of water science




 TREICLAKE in social media: