
Changes in academic structure of institute

Estonian University of Life Sciences is continually looking at ways to strengthen the University and is seeking to maximize the strengths and opportunities in light of a good environment. As part of this changes will be made to the academic structure. 8 chairs will be made out of 12 current departments of Institute of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences. The change will come into force at first of September 2017.

New chairs: Chair of Soil Science, Chair of Plant Health (former Dep. of Plant Protection), Chair of Landscape Architecture, Chair of Hydrobiology and Fishery (joining the Centre for limnology and the Lake museum), Chair of Horticulture, Chair of Environmental Protection and Landscape Management (joining the Dep. of Environmental Protection and the Dep. of Landscape Management and Nature Conservation), Chair of Crop Science and Plant Biology (joining the Dep. of Plant Physiology and the Dep. of Field Crop and Grassland Husbandry), Chair of Biodiversity and Nature Tourism (joining the Dep. of Mycology, the Dep. of Zoology and the Dep. of Botany).

Polli Horticultural Research Centre and Rõhu Experimental Station will preserve their autonomous status within the Institute of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences.